Welcome! Here you will find references on how to integrate Banyan
Technology's web services.
This documentation is for version 3. If you are looking for our legacy
version 2 documentation, please click
How to use this documentation -
On the left are the following directories:
API Servers - A list of the available servers
within the Banyan Technology offerings.
Authentication - OAuth is utilized and a
bearer token is required.
Endpoints - A list of available endpoints
within the Banyan Technology offerings.
- Shipments
- Invoices
- Tracking
- Static Data
In the body of the page are the following resources as they
- The endpoint's title
The endpoint's operation followed by the endpoint's URL
- The endpoint's description
Reference Table [When Applicable] - A table of dynamic
fields that impact the way the endpoint is utilized.
- Attribute
- Type
- Description
PATH PARAMETERS - filters available and appended to the
endpoint's URL
- API Server selected
- Authentication status
- A selectable range of potential response codes.
- Response code selected
- Response status code name
- A response example formatted in json with example values.
- Data type
- Nullable status
- Description
Recommended Workflow
The illustrations below display how to create a shipment, optionally
retrieve carrier quotes, book a shipment and retrieve tracking
More information can be found under each individual endpoint.